Saturday, September 20, 2008

The verdict on the kittens...

Oh my. I am at a loss for words. Well, ummm....basically....THE KITTENS ARE AMAZING!!! They are nearly 12 weeks old, they are SO adorable, and both of them have fabulous personalities. They've spent the last two days sleeping, eating, sleeping, playing, eating, sleeping, playing, and sleeping some more. :) I will upload pics/videos as soon as my brother *cough* shows me how.

We took them to the vet yesterday. Joy. They absolutely hated it, of course. Archie was pretty good, but Lina (pronounced "Leena") had a fit. Oh well, she got over it. (And yes, we did change their names. We didn't like the ones the breeder gave them.)

We were supposed to keep them in only one room for a week after getting them, but they were very eager to get out, so I put them in a basket and took them into the family room to let them explore a bit. They liked that.

The whole fighting thing just cracks me up. Archie loves to *almost* pounce on Lina. He'll sneak up on her while she's not looking, and then right when he's about to get her, he'll run away! She immediately turns around and attacks him, of course. I love the little squeak noises they make while they're fighting. AHH, I just can't get enough of these little cuties! :)

Well, I guess that's enough for now. Pics will be coming soon.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

New look.

I like it. If you REALLY can't stand it, I might consider changing it. Maybe. :)

Friday, September 5, 2008

Sometimes I wonder...

About life's trials and struggles. I try to think about how they're improving me rather than how they're hurting me. Sometimes it's hard to think in that way, and all too often I find myself thinking WHY me, WHY was I chosen to walk this path? instead of saying Lord, I realize there is a reason for all this, but I *really* can't figure it out? All I feel is pain with no end in sight. But I trust You and want to continue trusting You until Your plan is revealed. Sometimes I'm so afraid and it seems like nothing can help. And then comes Your still, small voice saying "My child, be still and know that I am God. Nothing can separate you from My love."

Lord Jesus, hide me under the shadow of Your wings!